BIS Certification Consultant in Delhi NCR

India’s leading consultant in facilitating all the BIS Certification and registration requirements for end to end assistance.

If you’re looking to enhance your brand reputation, gain market access, and boost consumer confidence, consider obtaining the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification through Osgan QCMS. As a leading provider of end-to-end BIS registration services, we assist you in navigating the certification process efficiently and effectively.

What is BIS Certification?

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is the National Standards Body of India, responsible for promoting and regulating standards of products and goods in the country. BIS has established several laboratories across India to conduct sample testing during primary and surveillance operations. While BIS certification is voluntary, the government encourages it for various reasons, including safeguarding public health, ensuring quality assurance, protecting consumers from hazardous products, and promoting consumer confidence.

Types of BIS Certification Schemes:

Normal Procedures: Under this scheme, applicants submit their BIS certification application with the necessary documents and fees. The BIS officer conducts a preliminary factory evaluation and tests samples from both the factory and independent sources. Certification is granted if the samples meet the acceptable standards.


Simplified Procedures: In this scheme, applicants submit a test report from a BIS-approved lab along with the application. The factory premises are verified by a BIS officer, and certification is granted if the verification is satisfactory.

Product Certification Scheme (ISI MARK) for Domestic Manufacturer

Osgan QCMS is a premier consultant in assisting BIS certificates of different IS for clients.

Product Certification Scheme (ISI MARK) for Foreign Manufacturer (FMCS)

The experienced team provides assistance for foreign manufacturers planning to export their goods to India to conform with the BIS requirement.

BIS Hall Marking

BIS Hall Marking is a symbol for purity and authenticity. Our team facilitates in obtaining BIS Hall Marking registration.

Products Covered Under BIS Certification:

Compulsory BIS Certification (Scheme-1): There are 379 products listed that require mandatory BIS certification. These products are subject to compulsory BIS registration to ensure adherence to quality and safety standards.


Voluntary Certification under Simplified Procedure (Option 2):

Manufacturers can obtain voluntary BIS certification for 730 products, demonstrating their commitment to providing high-quality products to customers.


Electronic and Information Technology Goods under Compulsory Registration Scheme:

The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (Meity) has mandated compulsory BIS registration for 77 electronics and IT products under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS).


ECO Mark Registration Scheme:

BIS also offers certification for environment-friendly products under the ECO MARK SCHEME, including various categories such as soaps and detergents, paints, food items, electrical and electronic goods, and more. The ECO MARK indicates that the product meets certain environmental criteria and Indian standards.


Mandatory BIS Certification for Toys:


According to the Toys (Quality Control) Order 2020, BIS certification is mandatory for all toys intended for children under the age of 14. All electric and non-electric toys must bear the ISI mark, and those without the mark are not permitted for sale. This requirement applies to both domestic toy manufacturers and foreign manufacturers exporting toys to India.

Benefits of BIS Certification:

Obtaining BIS certification through OSGAN Qcms India offers numerous advantages for your business:

  1. Credibility and Trust: Enhance your brand reputation by showcasing your commitment to delivering quality products and services.
  2. Market Access: Certified products enjoy easier entry into the Indian market, expanding your customer base and revenue opportunities.
  3. Competitive Edge: Stand out from competitors with the prestigious BIS mark, symbolizing quality and compliance.
  4. Consumer Confidence: Instill confidence in consumers, assuring them of safe and reliable products.
  5. Export Facilitation: BIS certification can be a prerequisite for exporting to certain countries, unlocking new international markets.

Comprehensive BIS Services by Osgan QCMS:

At Osgan QCMS, we provide comprehensive BIS services to support your certification journey:

  1. BIS Certification Assistance: Our expert team guides you through the certification process, ensuring all requirements are met efficiently. We handle understanding the applicable standards and preparing necessary documentation, streamlining the process for you.
  2. Product Testing and Analysis: Prior to certification, we conduct thorough testing and analysis of your products to identify and address potential issues, saving you time and resources.
  3. Compliance Audits: Our services include comprehensive compliance audits to assess your organization’s adherence to relevant standards. We provide detailed reports and recommendations for maintaining a strong market reputation.
  4. Continued Support: Even after certification, we remain your trusted partner, assisting with periodic audits and renewals to ensure ongoing compliance and credibility.

Choose Osgan QCMS Consultant in Delhi NCR India for your BIS certification and Registration needs and unlock the benefits of being a trusted and quality-focused brand in the Indian market. Contact us today to begin your certification journey!