Authorized Economic Operator Certification

AEO is a trade facilitation scheme for ease of doing business in the International trade. Our team provides assistance in getting AEO certificate in reasonable period of time.



AEO is a trade facilitation scheme for ease of doing business in light of international development, holder of this certificate is entitled for privilege, benefits, exemption and relaxation on account of import and export.

The programme aims to enhance international supply chain security and facilitate movement of legitimate goods. Under this programme, an entity engaged in international trade is approved by Customs as compliant with supply chain security standards and is granted AEO status along with tangible benefits.

For the importers and the exporters, there will be three tiers of certification i.e. AEO-T1, AEO-T2 and AEO-T3.

Major Benefits under AEO certificate:

  • Self-declaration of SION under Para 4.07A of FTP 2015-20
  • Inclusion of Direct Port Delivery of imports
  • Inclusion of Direct Port Entry for factory stuffed containers
  • Deferment of Duty Payment for AEO T2 & AEO T3
  • ID cards to be issued to AEO’s personnel
  • Faster disbursal of refund, including IGST refund
  • Faster disbursal of drawback amount


Application for the certificate has to be submitted along with the requisite documents and information for getting the AEO certificate. The validity of the certificate depends on the Tier.

Osgan QCMS provides end to end services for getting the AEO certificate from DIC. Our experienced team hand holds the client and take reasonable steps to get the certificate in reasonable period of time. For assistance, feel free to contact us at ______.

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